2006-07-12 - Slower Texas Speedwork


~9 miles @ ~12 min/mi

Blessed sprinklers are running on the LBJ High School ballfields, so I tread cautiously over the swampy ground and soak my head after a few miles, and again when I finish my ten 800's on the tartan track. Wednesday morning dawns warm and humid here in central Texas, and as I did five days ago I jog/walk the mile-plus from my Mother's home and alternate double-laps with half-lap walks. Occasional southerly breezes rejuvinate me as the sun goes behind a cloud, but I age rapidly when the wind pauses and the sun comes out again. Today I'm significantly slower (~4:45 per 800m) than I was last week, but I do an extra couple of reps to make up for it. I find two coins, a 5 centavo and a 10 centavo, on the way to the track. The bottle of Gatorade I bring with me is so hard to open that I struggle with it for most of a recovery half-lap before succeeding in cracking the seal.